Recession: The Mother of Invention
innovative sourcebook for boosting income and the economy in tough

on: June 12, 2009, 6:08 am
Author: Julie Momyer
Industry: Small
2009) With the economy presently on the downswing, most people
are looking for creative ways to increase their income or make
up for a job loss. Small business owner and freelance writer,
Julie Momyer, has addressed this need in a unique way by researching
and assembling information on manufacturers interested in purchasing
or licensing new product ideas and inventions in her newly released
book, “To Market To Market: Where to Sell or License Your
Ideas, Products and Inventions.” (ISBN 978-1-59977-019-2)
of the economic outlook personal and business needs still exist,
and with small business in the US generating more than half of
the gross domestic product it is the private sector that has the
capacity to deliver. Alana Semuels’, May 25, 2009, LA Times
article, “Some Inventions Born Amidst Recession,”
gives us a glimpse of how presently laid off Americans are using
their ingenuity and creativity to bounce back by licensing or
selling their inventions. The iTie, the Lid Punch, and Squishy
Toes are only a few of the newly launched inventions resulting
from job loss, and are a reminder of what ordinary people can
do and have done to overcome in this economic downturn.
For decades new businesses have been birthed through the licensure
or sale of innovative products and ideas contributing to individual
finances as well as strengthening our national economy. To Market
To Market: Where to Sell or License Your Ideas, Products and Inventions
was written with this in mind. This directory simplifies locating
manufacturers interested in reviewing unsolicited ideas with the
possibility of pursuing a contract to purchase or license.
A small business owner and freelance writer, Julie Momyer,
has several years of research experience in a number of fields
with extensive practical knowledge and interest in small business
and new product ideas.